The traditional dress is composed by:
- Su muccadóri (handkerchief) it is a silk handkerchief of various colours that is carefully adjusted on the head. The hairs, in their turn, are put in a big cotton handkerchief, arranged as a turban.
- Su muccadóri mannu tanau e su sciallu it is a big quadrangular handkerchief decorated with floral and geometrical motifs, which is worn on “su muccadòri”.
- Sa camìsa (blouse) it is of cotton with lace-collar and wide sleeves, made precious by a workmanship made with the starch and called “a sonettu” (that is to say as bellows of accordion). The cuffs have refined embroideries or crochet hook profiles.
- Su cossu (corselet or corset) it is a corselet of brocade of various colours that is worn on the blouse; it can be simple or trimmed on the shoulders with lacework and braids.
- Su panneddu (bib) it is a handkerchief that is pinned up on the corset for hiding the shape of the breast.
- Sa baschina (bodice) item of clothing used since the beginnings of 1900 in place of the blouse and of the corselet of abbanera of different colours and adorned with trimmings.
- Sa gunnedda Indian skirt of different colours or of scarlet cloth for holidays, it is characterized by the large wideness of the cloth that is curled in the waist.
- Su divantaliu (apron) it is present just in the dresses back to the beginnings of 1900. It is worn on the skirt. It is black and hand-embroidered with polychrome pictures or it is patterned in various colours. (su cumbidu)