
Historicto tobum of the parish priests who have rule over the parish Church of Uta

from 1643 to 1647Joan Sisinni Mutano
from 1647 to 1654Diego Bellisai
from 1654 to 1700Antiogu Giuseppe Serra
1742Thomas Pinna
from 1788 to 1793Antonio Camboni
1802Michele Fundoni
1805Francesco Ignazio Podda
from 1822 to 1837Niccolò Depilano
from 1837 to 1846Francesco Secchi
from 1846 to 1848Michele Piras
from 1848 to 1878Gerolamo Marras
from 1878 to 1891Antonio Murru
from  1891 to 1893Federico Saddi
from 1893 to 1896Vittorio Laconi
from 1896 to 1899Salvatore Dessì
from 1899 to 1916Raimondo Fenu
from 1916 to 1926Luigi Piano
from 1926 to 1960Raimondo Fresia
from 1960 to 1970Melis
from 1970 to 1981Raimondo Manca
from 1981 to 1989Eliseo Mereu
from 1989 to 2010Prospero Fulgheri
dal 2010 to 2016Caschili mons. ing. Ferdinando
from 2016Roberto Maccioni

Local Government

The mayors of this century from 1902:

Soriga Ignazio
Intina Giuseppe
Schirru Carlo
Loche Emilio
Pili Antonio
Loche Enrico
Coghe Luigi
Loche Francesco
Marras Umberto
Sanna Antonio
Piras Martino
Pili Carlo Francesco Assessore Anziano
Orrù Francesco
Meloni Pierangelo
Murgia Marco
Meloni Pierangelo
Murgia Marco
Angioni Paolo
M. Aurelio Murgia
Soriga Ignazio
Pibia Giuseppe
Porcu Giacomo

The price control of the 10th of October 1914

White bread£ 0,601 kg
Pani sprongiu£ 0,451 kg
Pasta Genova£ 0,621 kg
Cheese£ 2,251 kg
Fresh cheese£ 1,751 kg
Rice£ 0,501 kg
Sugar£ 1,501 kg
Bovine meat£ 0,551 kg
Coffee£ 4,001 kg
Olive oil£ 1,851 litre
Oil£ 0,501 litre
Meat of sheep£ 0,401 pound
Meat of lamb£ 0,501 pound
Meat of kid£ 0,501 pound
Pork£ 0,551 pound
Meat of wild boar£ 0,401 pound
Venison£ 0,301 pound
Fresh lard£ 0,701 pound
Freshwater fishes£ 0,20-0,401 pound

The most important public events of ‘900

5/06/1913 The works for the construction of a scholastic building start.
5/07/1913 It is instituted an obstetric practice.
2/10/1920 It is inaugurated the public lighting system with 24 lamps.
3/01/1926 It is deliberated the construction of the town hall.
16/08/1927It is made an appeal in order that Uta, and others neighbouring countries, don’t become a small village of Decimomannu.
4/11/1928 It is completed the public lighting system.
4/05/1932 The new school building is entitled “Giuseppe Garibaldi”.
3/09/1947 Connection of the town to the telephonic system.
15/04/1957It is built Piazza Monumento, in honour of the dead during the two world war.
1960 Institution of a Chemist’s shop.
1963 It is deliberated the construction of a sports ground.
1963It is approved the coat of arms of the Civic Standard.

Census of the population from 1800

1821 1400
1824 1163 (629 men and 534 women)
1838 1178
1844 1359
1848 1309
1857 1618
1861 1723
1871 1579
1881 1440
1901 1668
1921 2017(number of families: 477)
1951 3314 (1698 men and 1616 women)
1961 4421

Registration of the first marriage in Uta

“Yo Antiogu Tidi Curat de la villa de Utta edesposat y da beneditio a Jusepi Agoa y Juana Collu, fetas las tres solitas canonica monotiones conforme la lletra de esposas y non ya ningun legitim empediment y dat licenzia de la cohabitacio……”

In the far 4th 1598 the newly married couple Giuseppe Agoa and Giovanna Collu had the legitimate cohabitation licence. The ceremony was officiated by Antioco Tidi, curate of the time. The registration of the marriage (and also the first official act of civil status of Uta) is situated in the “QUINQUE LIBRORUM” of the “Iglesia Parroquial de Utta”.
The quotation of this wedding, that without doubt appears very interesting, has above all value as testimony of social life; the community of Uta already existed in the previous centuries and all the parish documents concerning the history of the town are visible in the “Curia Arcivescovile of Cagliari”.

Following are reported the first baptism and the first Episcopal visit:

First marriage4th October of 1598
First baptism24th November of 1598
First Episcopal visit1596