The coat of arms of Uta is represented by a shield, transversally cut into two parts: on the left, whose background is silvery, it is represented a nuragic bronze figurine (it was found in Uta’s territory) that depicts a warrior with bow and sword; on the right, whose background is sky-blue, there is the Church of Santa Maria, frontally seen.

The coat of arms is surrounded by a branch of oak (on the right) and one of laurel (on the left), and it is surmounted by the crown of the municipality. It was approved on 3rd December, 1963 and registered in the Heraldic Register of the Central Record Office on August 20th,1964. It was also registered the banner: it is a cloth divided into two parts- the right part is green while the left one is white- richly decorated with silver embroideries. In the middle, there is the coat of arms and over it the silver inscription: “Comune of Uta”.
The vertical pole is covered with velvet of the same colours of the drape that alternates. In the arrow is represented the coat of arms of the municipality and on the stem is engraved the name. Tie and ribbons are green, white, and red (Italian national colours) and they have silvery fringes.
As for all the national coat of arms, was the President of the council of the ministers who dealt with the execution of the decree, that was first registered at the Bills Court, after that in the registers of the Heraldic Office and finally in the Heraldic Register of the Central Record Office.