The traditional suit is composed by:
- Sa berrìta (sack cap) it is the Sardinian headgear par excellence. It has a truncated cone shape and can vary from 50 to 100 cm, and it is made of orbace of wool or cloth, prevalently black.
- Su muccadóri (handkerchief) it is a headgear (of various colours) accessory of the sack cap, on which it is put. It is worn wrapped around the head, along the border of the same cap.
- Black wide-brimmed hat headgear in use in the first 800 as describes Goffredo Casalis, in his “Historical and Statistical Dictionary of the Kingdom of Sardinia in 1838” the traditional dress of the country of Uta.
- Sa camìsa (shirt) of white cloth with collar and cuffs quilted with lace.
- Su corpéttu (waistcoat) it is blue and it is used on the shirt.
- Sa gianchètta (jacket) of black orbace or black cloth with “lapels” in the blue velvet sleeves.
- Su serenìccu (coat) used during the winter season: it has a hood longer than the jacket. It is made of black “orbace” or black cloth.
- Is crazzònis de arròda (short skirt) made of orbace or black cloth.
- Is crazzònis (trousers) are like big under-pants, are of white cloth and represent the indispensable complement of trousers and short skirt.
- Su cintu belt) it is a big leather belt variously decorated.
- Is crazzas (spats) are big spats, finely shaped to adapt to ankle and calf. They are made of black cloth or orbace, are put on as socks and arrived until the knee. The upper part is fixed by blue ribbons or other colours.
- Since the beginnings of the 1900, the traditional suit is abandoned and people start to use long trousers of black cloth with pinstriped band and velvet turn-up.